Tuesday, 15 September 2009

I am a throughly useless blogger...

You would think that with the amount of time I spend on line I would remember to blog occassionally wouldn't you. Especially with the amount of knitting I find myself doing when this is supposed to be my knitting blog.

Well I guess I should try and catch everyone up on what is happening in Anethema world -

1. I am taking part in my second term of the HPKCHC over on ravelry - great fun and lots of motovation - and I am again playing Quidditch
2. I am taking part in the Tri Wizard Tournament - playing for Durmstrang
3. I am taking part in and am a teaching assistant for Fantastia, another fascinating community on Ravelry where the projects are based around several different books.

I must update more often, and when I hand in the first round of projects pictures will be posted.