Tuesday, 26 October 2010

And its a fine tuesday


Well no, to be honest its raining, but I don't care because I am off to Aberystwyth to see my beloved this evening and then either tomorrow or Thursday I am off to the Collinette Wool Mill which should definitely be fun (must leave card at home).

Ok, so on to my potd:

Put washing out
check everything turned off
leave house 
lock door
give keys to neighbour for neighbour to feed the cat.
lunch and knit
go to get coach
spend 4 hours on coach
Get to Aberystwyth!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Good Morning World

Well, I wouldn't say that good, and according to my clock it is 12.01, which is technically afternoon, but its getting there. I am looking forward to 1 pm when I can pick up my knitting and work on this sock that's for certain.

And it got to be lunchtime and I got to work on the sock, hooray for that.  Now onto the actual plan of the day which was what I was meaning to do.

Get up
Empty washing machine and refill
train and read new book
work, be busy for a change
Lunch and sock
more work
train and read
more washing
pack for trip to Aberystwyth
clean kitchen and bathroom
talk to American Me

Friday, 22 October 2010

Good Morning All

Why yes, its another sunny morning in Wales and I have remembered I have a blog - why yes miracles do happen sometimes.

Anyway, on to the point of this post - I used to be a member of a forum on Ravelry a fantastic site for all you knitters and crocheters out there where I used to post a Plan for my day, now since I have left the forum, I find that I am missing this element of it. So this morning, while sat at my desk in work, avoiding doing any, I had a lightbulb moment - Beci, I say to myself, you have a blog, use it.

Therefore, I now present, my POTD

Train and new book started - Jack Flint and the Redthorn Sword by Joe Donnelly (I shall try and review later, should finish it on the train tonight)
Ring the boy who has contracted the dreaded lurgy and make sure he is ok
Avoiding doing any
Have lunch
avoid doing any more work
Train home - hopefully finish book
Cook food
Sit in chair - see if last weeks Xfactor is being repeated - if so watch
Chat to my American Twin
maybe write

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

I really should do some work....

but playing on the interwebs is so much more fun....

I am supposed to be typing attendance notes, but I am spinning them out until tomorrow when the boss is in Northampton.  So, I decided you can have some more picks instead. I am doing three mystery knits this month, so I present piccies of the projects so far!



And also - because I was bored on Sunday - a hat:

Thursday, 11 March 2010

And I am bored again

So, as they won't let me knit or crochet in work...  Horrid rotton bosses that they are, I have signed up for a reading challenge instead....

This one any excuse to re-read kids books if you ask me...

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

More medals... I thought they made a single post a bit large

Short Track Shawls x3

Snow Cross x2

Free Dance

Sweater Board

Single Skein Speed Skate x 8

Platter Lift x 8

Beading Biathlon

Nordic Colourwork

Felting Freestyle x3

Sock Hockey x2

Mitten Moguls

Giant Slalomghan

Charity Curling x2

Downhilling Dying x3

Labyrinth Weaving

Ravelry Medals for the Ravelympics Part 1

As if I needed to prove insanity! I earned all of these spread over 33 projects (4 were frogged things) in the course of the Winter Olympics

Ravelympics 2010 Awards
Stash Dance x10

Hat Half Pipe x3

Skelegurumi x2

Scarf Super G

Junior Olympics x3

Holiday Jump Start

Cable Cross

Bag Jump

Ariel Unwind x4

Lace Luge

Designer Dance x2


Why yes I am insane, why do you ask?

I must be completely bonkers, there is no other explanation for it.  Aside from the manic amount of knitting and crocheting I do, I now intend to sign up for a reading challenge as well... 101fantasychallenge I wonder how many of these I will have read by 10/10/10, and yes some will be re-reads, but hey it doesn't say I can't.

Hmm which one to start with.....

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

OK, OK, you have a point! Quit nagging...

And just in case you were wondering choppedtomatoes I do mean you, but I am only joking, I do in reality practically live on my computer, and it doesn't take five minutes to post a blog entry, so I am posting one!

Also - go look at those yarns, they are seriously nice! I want all of them.

Aside from drooling over the yarns, what else have I been doing.

1. Am on my third session in the HPKCHC over on ravelry and it must be said I really do live on that site, the groups are amazing, the patterns are brilliant and my productivity levels have gone through the roof. Never before would I have challenged myself to make 8 shawls in 3 months.

2. The boy has moved to Aberstwyth to do his Phd (wonder if this has anything to do with my productivity going up).

3. I have taught myself to crochet, and fallen in love with the hobby - spinning next I think.

And now a break to show you all the crocheted shawl I made in January and am in love with:

More to come when the Ravlympics is over!